Looking Ahead

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  • Linda Samuels

    It’s still hard to believe it’s been a full year since you began the monthly gatherings. While I haven’t been able to go to all twelve, all the ones I have participated in have been surprising, heart-warming, and just what I needed at that moment in time. I am amazed how you seem to know, Yota, just what it is I need…we need. It’s your extraordinary gift of intuition. I know how much heart and thought you pour into making our gatherings special. I am deeply grateful to you.

    I also love how you have gathered a group of amazing women who are willing to share their hearts, minds, challenges, and successes in such an open way. This is truly unique and special. I am grateful for these beautiful female souls.

    Lots of questions you asked. Here are some thoughts…

    What is your favorite aspect of our gatherings?
    I love that they are in the evenings, once a month, at a quiet time of the night. And now that I finally figured it out, I love that I can show up in my PJs and be in the special room…now dubbed my “retreat room.” I also like the intimate size of the group. It’s just right.

    What would you like to see added or changed?
    I wouldn’t change anything.

    I am considering creating an online forum, much like our end-of-year retreat, where I can be posting our monthly gatherings’ content. You can share your insights further and continue the conversation online. What do you think about this idea?
    It’s an interesting idea. I don’t feel the need to continue the conversation, but I’m not opposed to it. One of the things I like about the gatherings is the low-pressure/expectation aspect. We can show up that night, share experiences, and are done. While seeds planted often continue to germinate, there is no formal expectation to do something more. I appreciate that aspect.

    How was the retreat for you? Is there anything you would have done differently?
    I LOVED the retreat! I did feel a bit of self-imposed pressure to respond to all of the units. But that’s on me. Maybe if we had fewer units, it would have felt less pressure to write. I enjoyed the conversations, but some nights I was tired. It was a challenge to read the prompts, responses and write with other things that week.

    Did you find the format user-friendly? What would make it better, if anything?
    The format is completely user-friendly. A+++!

    Is 3-5 day retreats something you think I should / could offer more often?
    That is up to you. For me, the singular evening retreats work best. I receive so much value from them. It will be more challenging to commit to a longer retreat.

    What are some of the topics you would like to see in our gatherings, retreats, or even online courses?
    Relationships, stages of life, life transitions. But honestly, ALL of your topics are always great! So anything you want to do, I know I’ll love it.


  • Kathleen Lauterbach

    What is your favorite aspect of our gatherings?
    I like it all! I like the fact that we write in the evening retreats. I always find that the physical act of pen on paper produces thoughts I hadn’t expected. I also like the morning groups because it starts my week in a calm way and often we are a smaller group. Individual time is always nice.

    What would you like to see added or changed?
    I liked the fact that everyone submitted something to consider. I think I would have liked to talk about each. Maybe in the morning sessions one piece could be discussed along with writing about them. I was a little disappointed that Linda and Julia weren’t at the last session. It seemed important to meet again to consider all the writing we had done. Of course I understand things happen why people can’t make it.

    I also think it would be neat at some point to actually meet in person. Not quite sure how that could happen but I think it would be fun to actually spend a day together. Not great timing now with COVID
    rearing its ugly head again but maybe in the future.

    I am considering creating an online forum, much like our end-of-year retreat, where I can be posting our monthly gatherings’ content. You can share your insights further and continue the conversation online. What do you think about this idea?
    I don’t know about this. Like Linda, I like the fact that we are not laden with “things to do “ in this group.
    Somehow the written conversations between people don’t seem as rich as the group conversations online. I also don’t know that I would go to the web page all the time.

    How was the retreat for you? Is there anything you would have done differently?
    I loved the retreat and the aspect of having a culmination to the year. I do like having an assignment every once in a while- I work better with deadlines. I found it odd to have someone who didn’t participate in the retreat in that last session. That session was specific to the prompts during the week and trying to catch someone up was weird. I don’t mind the flux during the monthly sessions but that one seemed designed to be a little different.

    Did you find the format user-friendly? What would make it better, if anything?
    Once You fixed it is was very easy to work in. I also had to realize that their was a slight delay from writing the post to when it appeared on the screen. That threw me off at first. I never wound up getting emails about responses but that was probably my own operator incompetence.

    Is 3-5 day retreats something you think I should / could offer more often?
    I liked the fact that it had meaning- culminating the year. Perhaps if it were focused around a theme yes. If Too often, I think it would lose some of the specialness.

    What are some of the topics you would like to see in our gatherings, retreats, or even online courses?
    It always amazes me that you find readings that are so relevant and we can all relate to. I love that aspect of all our gatherings.
    Topics that interest me:
    Telling your life story in a meaningful way to leave as a record of who you were.
    Going on a technology fast -what would it be like to not be tied to these devices.
    Ways to foster deeper communication in close relationships.
    Prayer- what is it and how can it enrich our lives.

    I am so happy to be a part of this group. It has expanded my circle of interesting women and it is comforting to know we all struggle with the same “meaning of life” issues. I love just stopping and being quiet for an hour. You do an exceptional job of facilitating and making us all feel comfortable..

    Hope this helps! Student feedback was always one of my favorite things when teaching.
    Much love,

  • Kathleen Ellis

    While I’m open to trying new things, I really like the current format: one a month gathering with a chance to write/draw/in general express the thoughts brought up in the reading and meditation. And the Monday morning meditations are helping me establish a more consistent practice again, so thanks, Yota, for adding them to the mix. I like the once a year retreat over a week’s time, but I’m not sure about more than that. There’s just enough “homework” to nudge me to actually sit down and contemplate, which has been truly wonderful and transformational. So it’s just enough for me to handle my resistance and my natural inclination to stream something on Netflix instead. I’m open to any topic–just the action of sitting down to contemplate a topic opens up the process, and who knows who or what will appear!

    Thanks to all of you for your brilliant and wonderful selves! I learn so much from each of you. And you also make me laugh, which during these difficult times is truly a gift. Thanks, Yota, for finding the most profound and inspirational themes and readings for the gatherings and creating the environment where we can contemplate our lives.

    Love and hugs,

  • Yota Schneider

    Thank you all for taking the time to post your feedback.
    I loved reading your responses. I need to know what works and what doesn’t so I can continue to structure our meetings in ways that work for everyone.
    I especially loved your suggestions for possible topics. Who knows where this will take us 🙂
    See you soon.

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